Google Authenticator (v.6.0) for Android

Google Authenticator (v.6.0) for Android

Playstore Reviews & Rating

Anonymous says: The latest version is the worst as the app does not open at once. It will take at least 5 minutes before it opens and it freezes and can't do anything with it, I can't even scroll up/down to check on all of my data. Before I made an update with my Google Authenticator app everything is smooth and fine now it's the other way around. I hope the creator can fix this soonest as it's very frustrating and it irritates me having the app installed but can't even use it for the safety of my accounts. 😐

Anonymous says: Ditched this outdated app for the far superior AUTHY app for three reasons. 1) Secure cloud backup and sync for multiple devices. No more worry if I lost my phone or it stopped working. 2) Grid mode to focus on a single account at a time (why show all codes?) 3) PC desktop application syncs all codes to my computer. No need to depend on mobile devices only. [DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored by Authy. I just found it to be best. It's also completely free as it is made by Twilio service.]

Anonymous says: This is the worst app that I've downloaded. The codes are working, I never had an issue in activating the 2FA but now I can't log in because all the codes that I entered is invalid. I tried syncing the time for correction codes, made sure the time on my phone and on my PC are set in auto but it still provides me with an invalid 6-digit OTPs. No wonder why there are alot of negative comments here about this app.

Anonymous says: Very bad. It's functionalities work, but if you want a choice to lose your account, it's one way to do it. After enabling authentication through phone, if you, for some reason, can't check you phone, there's nothing you can do to enter in your account, unless contacting them. SMS or email options automatically become disable if you enable it from a device. Hope this gets solved. Only giving an extra star feedback because it really works, but gives you a chance to lose it all.

Anonymous says: Absolutely does not work now. No matter cache clears, reinstalls, tinkering with time and syncing... It just says there are no codes on my account, and the little cloud remains crossed out. Which is weird as all hells, since I've been using it for dozens of sites for ages and it's working perfectly well on iOS. It's not just performance issues or the lack of feature parity here. It absolutely does not work at all.

Anonymous says: It's better than it used to be as it now has a backup option. One big issue is there is no password needed when opening the app . If your phone is stolen whilst unlocked which does happen . The thief will keep the screen unlocked and will be able to view all the codes in the app. I've also tested the export option with 12 codes in the app. This gives you 2 QR codes to scan . Scanning them didn't work as an error message came up saying something like 'invalid code'. I tried this twice.

Anonymous says: I installed it yesterday, but codes don't update: at times this occurs even after getting out and back into Google Authenticator! It appears to be synced to my Google account at intervals... Tried different ways to sort the problem out, unsuccessfully. I also wondered how secure it can be if it connects to a cloud. I'd like to find a way to generate backup security codes without relying on its access to my Google account. However, if codes keep not updating when they should, I'll get rid of it.

Anonymous says: Update...still no fix for the issue below. Little point in having the clock counting down when users have to manually refresh Used to be great but now it doesn't auto-refresh when clock has counted down. This means that, occasionally, I enter an incorrect code when logging in to some sites. Rather annoying. Seems this has been an issue for some people for quite some time (at least 10 months).

Anonymous says: Got really tired of things not working correctly. Cloud syncing refused to work. On the rare occasion it actually did sync it would add all the entries from the cloud as duplicate entries. Lacking in a lot of features and it's a pain trying to migrate to a different app. I switched to Aegis Authenticator and it was the best decision I ever made. Took a while to switch my accounts to Aegis thanks to Google not allowing you to export to other apps, but no regrets.

Anonymous says: Would love to give this app 5 stars, as it’s a straightforward design that does one thing well. Almost. Since earlier this year, the app has not refreshed its list of authentication codes when the 60-second countdown timer rolls over. Given that many sites don’t have a grace period for codes from the preview 1-2 minutes, this is a stupid UI misdesign or bug (I’m going with the latter). The lack of a fix makes me wonder if Google hasn’t abandoned this product.

Anonymous says: In my personal experience, I exported the codes from my old android phone and restored the app on my Apple phone no problem. And when I went back, there was no problem migrating the other way. The latest Google app stays synced with the cloud so I can use multiple devices with the app. And I have 20+ codes for various things in there and working just fine. The colour of the Codes is a bit out of sync but the codes themselves shift ok. MS Authenticator is better, until you have to swap or change.

Anonymous says: Was fine for over a year then all of a sudden my codes won't work on any website I use it for. I tried syncing but it keeps telling me "it appears to be synced already." I made sure it was updated. I transferred it from one email to another and I was able to log in to one account. Tried logging into the same account again and couldn't do it. Uninstalling and reinstalling fixed it for now but I'm not optimistic.

Anonymous says: It was difficult to use when it stored accounts only locally. When I learned to import/export accounts when upgrading my phone, it started storing the codes in the cloud. Well, now I have 6 duplicates of the same code with no way to recognize the correct one. Deleting anything is a huge PITA because the app doesn't sync properly and the list resets to the top after every delete.

Anonymous says: Very difficult to use. I installed it for 3 accounts but the 4th was just impossible. Don't know if its the fault of the client or that of Google, but getting a message that I was using unacceptable characters was frustrating since the characters came from a Google password. No one appears to be trying to work with the clients anymore. If one is exceptionally gifted in the huge variety of words, phrases and descriptions used by the tech specialist, then fine - but the rest of us are clueless

Anonymous says: I've used this app without issue for years. All of a sudden, all of my data was deleted along with all of my backups. I didn't update or reset anything. I tried logging into my Google account, and nothing was there. Now, I can't access a bunch of my accounts, both personal and for work. Also, I can't get ahold of anyone at Google to assist. Even the old backup codes didn't work. Use MS Authenticator instead.

Anonymous says: Works as intended to be but lacks the search function. I use various different accounts and it's a pain every time. Please I'm not the only one pointing this. If not mistaken the iOS app has that. Thank you let's make it happen. (also when I open the app if I scroll down it auto refreshes and move to the top. Maybe is a bug?)

Anonymous says: intuitive, consistent, minimal 2FA app with one minor bug great app, allows you to sync to your google account for multi-device or transferring. single point of failure, minor security concerns, but very convenient, so it's worth it. bug: it crashes whenever i try to rearrange my accounts aside from that, no major complaints, very consistent and reliable 2FA app, intuitive, easy to sync/transfer, been using it for ~5 years, no complaints aside from one avoidable crash condition.

Anonymous says: Google authenticator is...well, an authenticator. But as basic as it is, it does is job properly, adding a second layer of security to any account that allow the 2FA process. It's clear and easy to use. It is possible to choose the order of the linked accounts. But that's something that the app should do automatically based on the user habits and usage. Also, the app should implement a way to recognize if some linked account is going to be duplicated and add a fingerprint access method.

Anonymous says: All was well until I installed the app on a new device. After installing it on my S24 Ultra, I couldn't sync my codes anymore. None of the old codes showed up in the new device. There's a sync issue. Thank God, I have a backup iPhone where I have Authenticator installed and synced. I'm going to migrate all my codes to Authy and use it going forward. FYI, I contacted Google Support as I'm a Google One user. But they have no clue as to what I'm telling. Good riddance.

Anonymous says: The latest update made this app load slowly and update slowly. I have many accounts protected by this app and about 23 ones in the app. This app is extremely important. Please fix, and be careful. EDIT: It's fine now. I switched phones and moved over all my 2fa codes carefully. Still haven't enabled cloud backup but since updating the app on my new phone, I have all my OTP's and no lag at all. Love this app. But as always, be careful to back up the code or NEVER lose your phone.

Anonymous says: In the last couple of weeks (June 2023) it stopped working on my Android phone. Seems to me some update to the Android system that caused the issue. I tried on 2 android devices. I did everything from reinstalling, syncing the time, nothing works. I searched for other options, nothing helped. It works on Apple devices, but not Android. If they don't fix it soon, I will have to switch to another app.

Anonymous says: It was perfect until the 'click to reveal pin' feature was added. Please add a configuration to turn this off! How does this add any value to tokens that expire every 30 seconds? Somebody going to read the code, guess the website it should be used on AND guess your password in 30 seconds!? Now it's just another extra step, that in my opinion, isn't user friendly at all. Also, maybe a bit lame, but how do I 'click' on something on my phone? Maybe this shows how much thought went into this!

Anonymous says: Still not secure. No way to backup accounts, no way to lock out anyone that gets access to your device. Even fingerprint authentication is better than nothing. But because there's nothing anyone that has access to your phone has access to this app. Plus if you lose your phone, you lose your accounts because there's no backup. Microsoft offers both of these features making their app much more appealing.

Anonymous says: The current update 5.20R3 is broken. Please fix this ASAP. It's a crucial app! Some details: Upon patiently testing, I found that it takes unusually long time (more than a minute while screen stays black) to load, then display the message "Click to reveal pin". Upon clicking any of the accounts, it further takes long time to reveal the pin. The minute clock of OTP seems to be working/moving, but it displays after a long wait. When it's displayed, the scrolling is possible, otherwise not.

Anonymous says: That was a really nice app, but it doesn't work for me. I didn't change anything, tried to sync the time, but Twitch and Discord don't want to confirm the codes. ___ The problem fixed by itself, when I disabled Authenticator from all accounts and devices and then I connected them again. But in anyways, it's not okay. It made me nervous a lot.

Anonymous says: works fine until you switch phones. The transfer app seemed to move everything, and it worked for 2 days, then lost all its data. There's no backup capabilities, so if you lose or destroy your device, your accounts are gone, meaning you have to disable 2 factor authentication and redo it. Not so easy to do if you cant log in to start with.

Anonymous says: Newest update includes a "refreshed look" with much larger text. Although this would seem like a welcome change, the non-breaking text is so large that I can't see certain long descriptions I have unless I put my phone in landscape mode. There is no way to reveal the hidden text by tapping and it doesn't scroll. Otherwise, works as it should.

Anonymous says: The latest update is horrible. The app now runs slowly. The "Click to reveal PIN" feature is just a pain in the backside, especially as there's no option to turn it off. There's still no built in option to lock the app with biometrics (like Microsoft and many others have), and there's no ability to back up in case your phone dies/is lost (no transfer to another phone is NOT backup).

Anonymous says: The app is great and the export/import feature works great. It would be a lot better if every service had its logo (for example Twitch, Facebook etc.) or if you had a feature where you can set your icon for each service connected because of an easier finding of a service you need. Now it is hard to find the code you need among other codes. Please add that feature.

Anonymous says: It's really easy to use, and it's great that you can custom-order your list to quickly get to the most used items. One thing I would REALLY like to see though, is a notification feature if someone tries to access your account. It can be as simple as notifying you a minute after a login attempt, if the code was not entered (or after multiple incorrect attempts), so it doesn't send it every time, but only when there might be a malicious login attempt. That was a nice thing about 2-step via text.

Anonymous says: This app offers NO OPTION TO BACKUP. I had to reset my phone because of a software glitch. Before I did that, I made sure that I backed up all my apps and their data on Google, Samsung and on a flash drive using Smart Switch. After the reset, I used the backup made by Samsung and most other apps were restored like nothing ever happened. This app however, lost everything. Tried the offline backup and the one made by Google, but still nothing. If your phone breaks, your codes will be gone forever!

Anonymous says: The basic use case of just looking at the numbers and entering them into some authentication system is fine. However, the numeric sequence goes out of sync when the device sleeps. For some reason the synchronization command is buried two levels deep in Settings (even though it's not even a setting change!) When that command is done, you must dismiss a dialog telling you it was done. Then you must back out of two levels of settings. Can we have a one click sync button on the main screen?
Please wait..
