
Gmail (v.2024.04.14.625469418) for Android

Download v.2024.04.14.625469418 Apk Playstore Reviews & Rating Anonymous says: The app was good after leaving a bad review on here but then it goes back to being as before. Now it says that it's full storage due to the "photos" in my drive but there was none that it could show when I try to "clean up space" then I deleted large files only to see that it still "full storage" and it keeps on demanding I get a better plan "subscription" to be more accurate. It only happens on this account of mine Anonymous says: Checking emails from weeks ago using the app on the phone, and Gmail just sucks tracing them back. Just KEEPS ON LOADING as I scroll back through. It also just KEEPS ON TAKING ME BACK TO RECENT ONES, so I start going over the past ones over and over. And if I stay for long in the current mail, it WON'T SLIDE TO THE NEXT. I'm then compelled to click the 'back' button which takes me back to recent ones a

Files by Google (v.1.3324.627969651.1) for Android

Download v.1.3324.627969651.1 Apk Playstore Reviews & Rating Anonymous says: It was operational and superb for a long time, but suddenly upon accessing a specific picture folder from the shortcuts last two days, it redirects me to the root folder of all pictures. I use screenshots a lot because I am attending an online class and compiling it in a collective folder once classes are over. Now i need to manually find these files. *Latest update, i think devs abandoned troubleshooting issues for pocof3.I have waited for so long,guess I will use my default manager instead. Anonymous says: I've always loved Files by Google. As when it comes to music I'm semi old school. So I keep my mp3 music collection in my phones; despite of the popularity of music streaming apps. As there are tracks in my library that are jusl not available in those services. And I'm able to manage my music collection really well using this app. The built-in music player also makes its sou

Google Chrome (v.124.0.6367.113) for Android

Download v.124.0.6367.113 Apk Playstore Reviews & Rating Anonymous says: a good app makes a good day! but not for me, I keep seeing the "Aw snap!" error and when I do everything that says it "fixes" the problem, but it just won't go away, I even did the "clear cookies" and it still won't work, I restarted my device, the problem is still there. I created an incognito tab, still nothing was changed. [replying to the developer's reply: I clicked on the links and it has the Aw, snap! error] Anonymous says: The searching was hard , difficult and stressful *( there's some things you can't search properly when you encounter it ) , *( some questions lack answers like you have to click on something to only get nowhere to reaching the answer can't even be sure on some answer results, can't just say yes or no then the result ) , * ( can't identify what I'm searching about ) overall horrible in some fields at lea

Google Translate (v. for Android

Download v. Apk Playstore Reviews & Rating Anonymous says: I just used this app for my Watty Stories and talking to my foreign friends but I just find it inaccurate. Whenever I write in English and translate it to other language. I copy the translated words/sentences and translate it to English. I just realized that it was different. Just like when I'm writing for a singular person, it turns it to plural which is really confusing. I can't use it on offline purposes anymore. This is sucks. Anonymous says: Helpful at times, but constant issues. If you have an intermittent connection, it won't work even if you've downloaded the language to use offline. You save phrases once you find the right context, then it will completely change the context of the word when you revisit. Sometimes, it even just gives you the completely wrong translation. Incredibly inconsistent. Anonymous says: Great app, but in the last several months, the offlin

Google Earth (v. for Android

Download v. Apk Playstore Reviews & Rating Anonymous says: Everything is good but far from user's high expectations on google services. This app works like Google Maps in some way, but you can't use this app for directions ,not like Google maps. and also in both Google map,earth. uses the same pictures which is both sucks in some way, especially when we are checking the city in makati philippines. we can see buildings that are blocking the roads, and some of the pictures are changing directions, so it is very, very confusing. Anonymous says: Hello, this app is very impressive even in 3D even when you load big bridges, towers, buildings etc. But I want to fix something that maybe some people do not appreciate. The fact that the yellow road lanes are above a bridge. Also the fact that I'm using a slow internet is a little disappointing because it is just caused by the internet, but all of the other features and view were amazing. Please fix this i

Google Photos (v. for Android

Download v. Apk Playstore Reviews & Rating Anonymous says: This app is worst than a ransomware. I have assorted photos backupped from multiple devices over the years. Research data and pictures from experiments. This app installed itself and automatically backup my photos in the cloud. Being a free user, i have a limited space and it quickly ran out of cloud space. So I disabled it and deleted the photos in cloud. However, it also deleted all the photos in my phone. restoring photos doesn't work, I need to pay to upgrade space to restore. Fxn scammers! Anonymous says: the app is really great. it has been a huge help in maximizing my storage space as i have thousands of photos saved as memories. one thing i would like to suggest is for the albums to retain once it's backed up. i always sort out my photos into albums but once it's uploaded, it wouldn't be the same and i have a hard time finding the photos. all in all, the app is good bu

Google Authenticator (v.6.0) for Android

Download v.6.0 Apk Playstore Reviews & Rating Anonymous says: The latest version is the worst as the app does not open at once. It will take at least 5 minutes before it opens and it freezes and can't do anything with it, I can't even scroll up/down to check on all of my data. Before I made an update with my Google Authenticator app everything is smooth and fine now it's the other way around. I hope the creator can fix this soonest as it's very frustrating and it irritates me having the app installed but can't even use it for the safety of my accounts. 😐 Anonymous says: Ditched this outdated app for the far superior AUTHY app for three reasons. 1) Secure cloud backup and sync for multiple devices. No more worry if I lost my phone or it stopped working. 2) Grid mode to focus on a single account at a time (why show all codes?) 3) PC desktop application syncs all codes to my computer. No need to depend on mobile devices only. [DISCLAIMER: I am not

Google Sheets (v. for Android

Download v. Apk Playstore Reviews & Rating Anonymous says: Excel is still king, but it takes a bit of while to have both (pc and phone) updated on the cloud unlike Sheets which saves your file up there every change you make. Sure there's a lot of practice and as the industry grew up using MS softwares, it can be difficult. But I hope that in time we will see more developments and that Google won't abandon this app because it's easier (if you get the hang of it) to use than Excel. No ads is just a comfort. Anonymous says: Way more limited features than the one on computers, especially with the charts and such. As a student I don't usually have an available pc at hand and I can't really drag a laptop around just in case I need to do things or make specific edits. If it had most of the features found on the one in the internet it would've been much more easier to work with. The same is with Docs and Slides as well. Limited editing

Google Docs (v. for Android

Download Here (v. Apk Playstore Reviews & Rating Anonymous says: After the update, I can't access my offline docs, but I managed to access them. Also, I noticed that I can't edit the title of the document by tapping twice on the upper part of the view mode (the name of the docs). Also, if I tap the format button on the top, it won't disappear after I tap on the screen. I just don't know if it's good or bad.. but it's good that I can now add columns, and there's many options for the bullets and numbering style. Anonymous says: Docs is great for Online collaboration! However, it would be great if the interface for mobile and tablet would be the same for desktop. First, because of the missing features especially for the inserting things such as equations. It would be convenient since mobiles are always the one being brought everywhere. Nevertheless, docs keeps it great. Anonymous says: It's a great app, I always use this